
The Dance of The Salt Carrier
“Vivid Drama in Japan”.(1928).The Graphic. Jun30

Miko Dancer
(The prince of Wales with his suite in the grounds of Kasuga shrine)
The Graphic. (1922). 17Jun. 777

A Shinto Woman Dancer
L’ILLUSTRATION. (1920). 18 Dec, p488

An Amateur Japanese fair at New Castle On Tyne
Collection of
Mr. Alkis Raftis

Pavlova As A Japanese
Collection of Mr. Alkis Raftis

Femmes Japonaises se livrant a la danse
Collection of Mr. Alkis Raftis

A Japanese Dance Drama
Collection of Mr. Alkis Raftis

Kusakabe Kimbei (1841-1934): Dancing

Photograph, postcard, 1925 approx.